Monday, October 22, 2007

Vexation of spirit is a waste of time
Negative thinking don't you waste your thoughts
Verbal conflict is a waste of word
Physical conflict is a waste of flesh
People will always be who they wantand
that's what really makes to world go round
/Damian Marley/


rossenk_a said...

"Verbal conflict is a waste of word"
Ha ha ah ha. !!!!
Nqkoi tuk leki4ko se e poovlqkal. A kakvo stana s istinata ,koqto se namira6e sled nai-razgore6tenite sporove. Naprotiv , smqtam az .Neobhodimostta ot sporowe e napravo existential. Taka se izglajdat raznoglsiq, nedorazumeniq ,kakto i 4esto se dostiga do otgovor na vaprosa "ZASHTO"!!! DA DAAAAAAAA , a tozi vapros si e napravo life-asserting,existential etc.

rossenk_a said...

A i sega se se6tam za towa, kakvo udovletvorenie izpitva pobeditelq w edin spor za tova 4e e ubedil nasre6tnata strana w prawotata na svoqta poziciq po diskutiranata tema ili vapros. Taka spored men sa se oformili edni ot nai-interesnite profesii: diplomat, adwokat, politik, profesor(hihi), etc.